Sunday, November 30, 2014

8 months

8 months flew by for us.  Jordan got his cast off and started crawling within a week.  Jaxon took a little while longer to "army crawl".  Jordan seems to always be on Jaxon, either crawling over him or putting his legs on him.  They love baby food and are a lot of fun.

Getting harder to take pictures!

We went from soccer game to soccer game to softball game and this is how tiring it can be!

We went to the pumpkin patch twice!

A selfie of me and my boys!  Jordan is on the left and Jaxon on the right.

Lynar's uncle and Aunt--Jim and Faye Young stopped by for a night while driving from North Carolina to Utah.  It was so good to see them and fun to have them in our home.  Uncle Jim's face is priceless when he was holding the baby!  

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